Monday, March 23, 2009

Small Wind Turbines

Energy sustainability is one of the most predominant concerns of our nation. There are multiple forms of sustainable energy such as solar power, wind power, wave power, tidal power, and geothermal power. In the United States, we have the potential to produce 20% of our nation’s electricity needs solely based on wind power by 2030. I feel that wind power is often times overlooked as a dependable renewable resource. Right now the U.S. wind energy installed capacity has grown to 26,274 MW making wind an economic useful resource.

A relatively new emerging industry in wind power is small turbines. These 10-kilowatt turbines stand 120 feet tall and can produce enough electricity to fulfill the needs of an average sized home or small business. These turbines are a great way to cut energy bills and help protect the environment. The U.S. leads the world in the manufacturing of small wind turbines. President Obama’s new economic stimulus bill provides a 30 percent tax credit incentive to small turbine buyers. Due to this federal subsidy, the American Wind Energy Association predicts a 40 to 50 percent increase in the market of small turbines. This use of clean energy is what our nation is striving for and small wind turbines are a great way to help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Virginia has established its own state incentive program for wind power to encourage reliable and affordable sustainable energy. The Virginia Small Wind Incentives Program (VSWIP) managed by the James Madison University Office of the Virginia Wind Energy Collaborative (VWEC), offers grants to Virginia landowners to purchase and install small wind energy systems. The cost of these systems varies from size, application, and manufacturer agreements but most cost between $1,000-$5,000 per kilowatt. The total installation cost of a small turbine is still much less than the cost of photovoltaic solar panels. With the help of grants and tax credit incentives a small wind turbine is a wise economic investment and in time will pay for itself while keeping the environment clean and free of emissions.

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