Wednesday, April 29, 2009

You've Got To Be Sh*ttin' Me

All jokes aside.  There is potential to develop energy from waste, both, reducing methane gas emissions from both swine manure lagoons and waste landfills.  This eliminates rising emission problems from two large industries, as well as helps to fight global warming by lower the total methane emission rates.  Studies have shown that methane is around twenty times more dangerous of a greenhouse gas than CO2.  We could potentially kill two birds with one stone by creating an alternative energy source and severely reducing the dangers of methane gas emissions on global warming.  Methane (CH4) gas can be captured from swine manure lagoons and landfills and stored then burned to heat water to steam spin a turbine to create energy.  The chemical equation of the combustion of methane gas is as follows: CH4 + 2O2 à CO2 + 2H2O.  Burning the gas simply reduces the methane to water and carbon dioxide, which can then be properly emitted back into the atmosphere and produce energy to run the plant and surrounding areas. 

This technology seems like such as smart idea to me that it frustrates me that you don’t hear more about it or it is not getting the exposure you think it would.  I still need to further research the potential of the technology itself, however, from what I have read there seems to be no downfalls.  You are creating an alternative energy source and eliminating pollution problems from two other industries. 

There have be some studies done on the future and potential of this technology being done at swine manure treatment plants in Chile.  I think there are also a few studies being completed by various universities around the United States.  However, I was unable to find and/ or fully interpret and understand the results I did find.  But, I could not find any arguments against the idea of this new technology either.  So, I say we getting the wheels rolling on some large scale plans to improve our environment and our quality of life.  

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